Gut Feelings vs. Logic?
Find Your Balance at WUB Clarity Bootcamp

What Could Clarity Do For You?

How often do you find yourself at the crossroads of intuition and ego, uncertain of which path to choose? WUB Clarity Bootcamp is your invitation to explore these pivotal moments in a space dedicated to uncovering your truth.
Discover Your Path to Insight:

Each Clarity Bootcamp harmonizes with the seasons, offering blends of conscious communication techniques,  Breathwork, somatic release techniques, immersive live music, sound experiences and more.

These elements converge to guide you from overthinking and that place of "analysis paralysis" to a place of clear, confident decision-making. With our skilled facilitators, you'll learn to navigate the delicate balance between mind and spirit, transforming doubt into confidence and leaving with valuable insights and tools.

If  the battle between intuition and reason has been a challenge for you, it's time to find your answers.

Your Transformative Experience

An Odyssey of the Soul:

More than a retreat, this is a journey into the heart of what it means to be human. Together, we navigate the intricacies of the human spirit and connection, inviting you to unearth the wisdom within your purpose and path.

Harmonious Expertise at Your Service:

Our team forms a symphony of mastery, you get a team of facilitators contributing their unique skills to create a cohesive and nurturing journey towards your growth and transformation.

Why Clarity Matters

Clarity is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth. It empowers you to make confident decisions, communicate effectively, and achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your career, strengthen relationships, or simply find peace within yourself, clarity is the key.

Who is Clarity Bootcamp For:

Professionals: Gain a competitive edge in your career by sharpening your focus, problem-solving abilities, and leadership skills.

Entrepreneurs: Navigate the challenges of business with clarity, making strategic decisions that drive success.

Individuals in Transition: Whether you're at a crossroads in your personal or professional life, find the clarity to embrace new opportunities.

Seekers of Self-Discovery: Dive deep into your inner world, uncover your purpose, and live a more fulfilling life.

What You'll Gain:

Clearer Vision: Gain a clearer understanding of your goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally.

Effective Communication: Improve your ability to express ideas, collaborate with others, and build meaningful relationships.

Confidence and Resilience: Develop the confidence to tackle challenges and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.

Work-Life Harmony: Achieve a harmonious balance between your career and personal life.

Renewed Energy: Experience a surge of energy and motivation as you align with your true path.

Upcoming Clarity Bootcamps

Embrace the Season of Reflection with WUB Clarity Bootcamps

As we transition into fall, a time for reflection, shedding, and letting go, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Clarity Bootcamps in Calgary and Edmonton. Facilitated by familiar faces – Paul, Summer, Dre, Giselle, and more – these transformative experiences are designed to help you prepare for the coming months with a clear mind and a light heart.

Fall Reflection: A Journey to Clarity

Immerse yourself in a day of deep reflection and healing, designed to align your intuition with your intellect and guide you toward profound clarity. Our Clarity Bootcamps offer a curated day of exploration, healing, and connection, setting the stage for personal growth and transformation.

Uncover the Essence of Clarity Through

Deep, Reflective Communication: Engage in meaningful conversations through our Dyadic & Conscious Communication sessions. These sessions foster deep listening and understanding, allowing your intuition and clarity to surface in a supportive and empathetic environment. Conscious communication pieces to help you connect more authentically to yourself and others.

Transformative Breathwork: Experience the liberating power of Breathwork, a unique synthesis of conscious breathing techniques, somatic exploration, and sound healing. This practice clears blockages across all layers of your being, facilitating spontaneous insights and a deeper connection to your inner self.

Healing Soundscapes: Allow the healing vibrations of Live Soundbaths and Soundscapes to envelop you, deepening your journey toward clarity. This auditory experience creates a space of tranquillity and inner peace, supporting your path to self-discovery and balance.

What You'll Discover:

A safe space to explore the dynamic between your gut instincts and logical thought processes, fostering a harmonious balance between the two.

Practical tools and techniques that can be applied to everyday life, helping you navigate the complexities of the modern world with greater ease and confidence.

A sense of community and connection with like-minded individuals, all on their unique paths to clarity and self-discovery.

An opportunity to pause, reflect, and recalibrate, setting the stage for personal growth and transformation as you embrace the fall season.

Join Us for a Fall Reflection:

Whether you find yourself in Calgary or Edmonton, embark on this journey with us and awaken to the clarity that resides within you.


Fall Reflection: Single Day Retreat:
Investment Of Just $169

Investing in this experience is investing in your greatest asset... YOU! Having clarity can provide you with insights and tools to build, and create. It is the first step in manifesting the life of your dreams. Join us for this single-day retreat designed to unlock the clarity that propels you forward, laying the foundation for endless possibilities.


Embrace the Opportunity:

Clarity is your compass in a complex world. It empowers you to make intentional choices, build authentic connections, and live a life of purpose. Join us at Clarity Bootcamp and embark on a transformative journey to uncover the power of clarity within yourself.

Ready to experience the transformation that clarity can bring to your life? Register for Clarity Bootcamp today and embrace a future filled with purpose and direction. Your journey towards a clearer, more meaningful existence starts here.

I had the pleasure of attending a WUB event a few years ago. It was my first time going to a full-day spiritual event. I was honestly a little nervous. From the moment I entered the building my anxious thoughts dissipated, everyone was so welcoming and incredibly caring. The day flowed seamlessly with so much love and thought put into every activity. It was a magical blend of light yoga, dyads, meditation and breath work. It was my first time doing breath work and I still talk about the fascinating experience I had to this day.

The whole time I felt extremely safe, honored, held and most importantly I felt 100% accepted at the level in which I was comfortable engaging in.
All of the facilitators were incredibly genuine, compassionate and completely there to support in any way needed. I can full-heartedly say that one day at WUB was a catalyst in assisting me to completely change my life and my path for my true purpose. Forever grateful for my WUB experience!

~ Jennifer

Seasonal Themes and Offerings:

Your journey is intimately intertwined with the natural rhythm of the seasons, each offering a unique theme to guide your path:

Spring Awakening:

As nature renews, so will your spirit. In these sessions, you'll plant seeds of intention, nurturing them into personal growth and evolution.

Summer Radiance:

Embrace the joy, abundance, and vibrancy of being. Celebrate your inner light and embrace life's fullness.

Autumn Reflection:

It's a season for introspection, letting go, and preparing for inward journeying. Embrace change, find balance, and release what no longer serves you.

Winter Stillness:

Embrace the quiet introspection and inner wisdom that winter brings. Find clarity and peace in stillness, and reflect on life's profound mysteries.

Answer The Call

The path to clarity is clear and illuminated. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Join us at WUB Clarity Bootcamp, and together, let's turn the page to a new chapter in your life. The journey towards a clearer, more meaningful existence starts here.